I am a practicing Dermatologist with a clinical experience of about twenty six years. Apart from seeing routine patients for conditions of skin, hair nail, we are pioneers in laser surgery in India. The clinic also has specialized services like Follicular Unit Hair transplant surgery (FUT), Botox, Fillers for wrinkles, Punch grafting for Leucoderma, Electro surgery, Cryosurgery, Radio-frequency and Chemical peels. We have US FDA approved lasers in our centers which include Light sheer Diode laser for hair removal, a Medlite C6 and Medlite C3, Q-switched Nd-Yag lasers for tattoo removal, laser facial and Nevus of Ota, and the VTRAC laser Excimer laser for Vitiligo and Psoriasis, Gentle Yag laser, Cool sculpting, Thermage, E-Two, Revlite, Sublime laser. We have a large practice and our centers are well known through out the country.
I have given guest lectures, conducted Continuing Medical Education programs and workshops both at the State and National levels. Apart from giving lectures I have conducted live surgeries at these workshops. I have received the best paper award for my presentations at the state level, three times in a row. I have co-authored a book titled ‘Surgery in Dermatology’. It is one of the reference books in all medical colleges through out the country. I have also authored three chapters in ‘Hand book in Skin Surgery’ released in February 2006.