5 Lifestyle Changes to Strengthen your Immune System
In these trying times, the one thing that we can do to care for ourselves would probably be a lifestyle modification for good. I'm quite sure that many of you would have already started to bring healthy changes in the way you live throughout the day. And even if you haven't, Let's get you started. We will be sharing 5 simple and easy to implement lifestyle changes to boost your immune system. Yes, you heard it right my dear readers, SIMPLE and EASY Now that sounds appealing
Breathe for strengthening your immune system :
Well, you wouldn't be surprised to see this on the list we bet. Research has shown that 5-10 minutes of conscious breathing can work miracles for your body. Our body needs oxygen to perform all, literally all its functions. And obviously, your immune cells need it too. Just 5-10 minutes if rich oxygen supply- at the start of the day preferably- provides a boost to every system of your body. In the morning after you wake up just give 5-10 minutes to this exercise and you'll surely notice the change. Other benefits of Breathing
1) You’ll feel calmer and more focused.
2) You'll feel the rush of endorphins through you.
We would suggest it would be wise if this becomes your daily habit -
Eat raw veggies and fruits :
This is the one we've heard a lot but at the same time neglected a lot as well. We are guessing you will not know of anyone around you who doesn't know the importance of eating raw veggies and fruits. But still, we don't see many including them in their regular diet. Do we ? But now that we have a very strong reason to do so in these hard times why not just do it right away? Raw veggies and fruits- seasonal fruits need a special mention- provide you an ample amount of vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, and fibers. These nutrients help improve your immunity in so many ways. Go grab an apple now and relish it right away -
Hydrate yourself to boost up your immune system :
WATER is constituting more than 3/4th of your body. Then why, why do you deprive yourself of water so often. We NEED to drink a minimum of 2 litters of water every day! It's very important. Your body can work at its optimal strength if you keep it hydrated. And we need it to, now more than ever. And It'd be of a little more help if we'd drink warm water. If not all day then a minimum 3 times a day. One glass in the morning, one in the afternoon and one before going to bed. So, set it as a daily goal to drink at least 2 litters of WATER. -
Exercise :
You should have faith in yourself and your dream. You cannot miss this habit. You need to trust and have faith in yourself to achieve what you want. Only you can help yourself to get what you really want. -
Sleep Early :
Alright now, this might sound irrelevant but no, it is not. Let me explain why. Our body is designed in a particular way. It's designed to function fully in the morning and throughout the day and take rest at night. That is what is called our circadian rhythm. And due to the pandemic, we are pretty sure this rhythm is messed up. We spend the night binge-watching our favourite shows and we sleep during the day. We mess so much with our body's natural way to perform. It just does not work that way. We need to take care of our bodies. And in turn, our bodies will take care of us. So, this might be a little challenging. But remember taking baby steps is what will make this seemingly impossible thing very much possible. And don't give up if you're not able to develop this habit instantly. Keep going. You will definitely be able to inculcate it successfully So, these were the 5 simple and easy lifestyle changes that will definitely help you boost your immune system. Make these your daily habits and you Will surely notice incredibly amazing changes in the way your body feels and performs.